Months ago, I posted my story. Essentially, I discussed my rough college experience (at Massachusetts Maritime Academy), and how it led me to game excessively. In addition, I mentioned how the habit continued long after I left the academy. The habit caused my father to confiscate my laptop last summer, which I haven't seen since.
It has been (mostly) good news in the months following my departure from PC gaming. This past summer, I worked for a ferry company out of New London, CT. The 15-hour workdays on their vessels made gaming impractical. Last October, I purchased a dog; a lovely Newfoundland puppy named Timber. Although I live with my parents, she is competely my responsibility, from grooming to feeding to vet bills.
As the winter sets in, and outdoor work becomes a near impossibility, I have gamed noticably more on my Xbox 360, particularly after I rediscovered Skyrim and purchased Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag. I The formula is simple: the less I work, the more I game. Therefore, I understand why my parents are reluctant to return my laptop now, but will they continue to be so reluctant when I return to work? We'll just have to wait and see.
Well, it sounds like still gaming even without the laptop. I don't think your parents will be convinced that giving you back the laptop is a good idea if you are still gaming on the Xbox.
Have you tried not gaming at all? on anything?
It helps me to stay game-free from everything.
Have you looked for a hobby. Something other than gaming might be a good place to start.
I do have hobbies other than gaming. Reading books, writing short stories, and practicing military drill are my three main hobbies outside of video games. Recently I started writing more, particularly in the last week.
Awesome! I know that for me, having things that I can do that A) I enjoy but B) don't involve a computer is really helpful. For me, gaming was one of the very few things in my life that I enjoyed, so when I quit, I was not only losing my all-purpose painkiller, I was also losing one of my very few pleasures. Having the ability to enjoy something healthy helps out a lot with that.
When you're going through hell...keep going. --Winston Churchill There is no pit so deep that God is not deeper still --Corrie ten Boom
Bill382, all my thoughts of support to you. Keep fighting! I think your parents having your laptop is a good idea ...
You mentioned you play Skyrim on XBOX360 ... Speaking from personal experience too, it is such a terribly addictive game. I remember first discovering it around end of year 2012 and it has been such a poisonous time-waster in my life for the past 2 years, it's really hurt my personal development in many ways. I can't even bear to look at that word without contempt and anger anymore.
I agree with Learning Serenity, too! I'm trying slowly to find other things I enjoy ...