Here below is from the daily reflections email of today I received. Its from another 12 Step fellowship (AA) and I have taken liberties to paraphrase to apply to gaming addiction.
"Are these extravagant promises? We think not. They are being fulfilled among us-sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. They will always materialize if we work for them."
One of the most important things OLGANON has given me, in addition to freedom from Gaming, is the ability to take "right action." It says the promises will ALWAYS materialize if I WORK for them. Fantasizing about them, debating them, preaching about them and faking them just won't work. I'll remain a miserable, rationalizing gaming addict who is only not gaming. By taking action and working the Twelve Steps in all my affairs, I'll have a life beyond my wildest dreams.
Yours in recovery,
- pete
Olga/non member since Dec. 2008 Check out my latest video on Gaming Addiction and public awareness
Thank you for sharing that dark.
How I became a gamer -
Thank you, dark. What I needed to hear.
"I want to see people and I want to see life."
Thanks Pete
I think I need to put some more work in myself...
point, no download for "work"...
leveling in steps, serenity, sponcys, sponsors, exercise, and sleep, (sanity has been downsized) sober from all electronic games since 11/19/2010
Yes, thank you.
I've been between whining and fear lately about changes with my employment and wanting to do more, different, etc. and realizing that if I want it, I have to pursue it. If I want new friends, I have to be a new friend to someone--so I joined a new AA womens' step study group which includes a weekend away for group 5th step.
I hate these kinds of things, mostly because I snore like a freight train and hate subjecting others to this. When I first quit gaming a friend tried to invite me camping, but my whole snoring thing was a huge personal hang up--months later she said, "You know, lots of people expect nearby campers to make all kinds of noise and they bring ear plugs."
Sort of like my whole "I'm too fat to go outside" phase. I had to learn to re-dress, learn how to get myself back out, and also had to do some step work to deal with that pride in reverse.
So yes, going to be a new friend, going to subject others to my snoring, and I will bring a bag of earplugs in case anyone forgets theirs, and trying to branch out with career...but I have to keep taking action!
Cheers, Desire to Stop
ALL quoted text (unless otherwise stated) comes from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous (with wording sometimes changed only to make it more relevant for gaming addiction). I will include page numbers.
Hoping & praying for a measure of recovery for all of us today.