Heya guys,
Some might remember me from last year. I wasn't very active at the forum, but I did however regularly attended the Skype meetings, but that was it. I never tried to initiate contacts. I guess I wasn't ready for socializing and still might not be...
Aside from Olganon I also visited other addict groups irl. To be honest I would love to have an irl game anon meeting, but I'm too shy/unconfident to set one up myself... Maybe later when I've crawled out of this depression.
It was February 2011 when I realized I had a problem with gaming. I attended my first meeting ever on my birthday. Not a very pleasant birthday that was... But I knew I was in for a change. And I was. I finally got myself a psychologist who helped me seeing life in a bright light. I quit gaming in April 2011. It went quite well, but I did relapse at least 6 times up until now. I however was not ready with my therapy yet, but decided that I could fare on my own with the help of the anonymous program since summer 2011. I got myself a sponsor as soon as I quit therapy and this worked well until March 2012.
As I finally gained more and more self-confidence, I got a boyfriend for the first time. This meant that I wanted to see him a lot. But to progress with working the steps I had to meet my sponsor once or twice a week. This meant I had to adapt my schedule, even though I already had limited time to see my love.. At a point I started neglecting the program because I thought I could handle it on my own. I called off my apointment with my sponsor at the last moment. And since then I never worked the Steps.
Things only really went downhill from then. I did not relapse right away, but I noticed my negativity slowly lurking over me again. I also cope with an eating disorder (= addicted to food). When things were fine I ate in healthy amounts and had a healthy weight. I somehow managed to maintain my healthy weight, but my eating habits went back to insane. I won't go in-depth about this again as this forum is for game addiction, but these two are very much linked for me.
Whenever I relapse with gaming or food, I think insane thoughts and have an insane lifestyle (neglecting tasks/health/social contact). I've been wanting to get out of these unpleasant mindset ever since I realized I need help, but never put it into action for the past few months.
Today I suddenly thought of a thing a friend said to me some time ago when I didn't realize I was a game addict yet: 'You are not progressing, you are standing still.' I repeated that line to myself and finally acknowledged that I was back at the addict mindset and needed help. And here I am, after all these months of insanity, seeing my slowly built self-confidence tumble and fall. I want to write badly how I wish I never quit the program, but I guess there is no point in beating myself up for the past. I am here now. And I hope I this time will continue my healthy thoughts.
I have considered only going to meetings now, but I think I will also get back to a therapist. I am still not sure if this is necessary if I just follow the steps... but my gut says yes. My social life and identity have been a mess from childhood so I probably need some mental coaching there.. :) I always feel very vulnerable when I post things on a forum and I always think people are not interested in reading them or that I wrote it badly. Hence I maybe might not be active on the forum for a while, but my goal is to at least attend the meetings, just like before.
Anyway, thanks for reading this all.
hi Nathalie It's great to hear from you. I'm glad you're here and hope to see you at meetings! Scott
What you feed grows, and what you starve withers away.
Well, Natalie, your wrong...I read the whole thing!
I am glad to see you here and hope you stick around and come to the meetings...I didn't come last night because of the election but will be coming to the one tonight...would love to see you there :) My game of Choice was Second Life...I am so glad to be out of it! I don't ever want to go back....So being here right now for me is a must...Please come and just ready what people write in chat meeting even if you don't want to share yet....Hope to see you!
Second Life escapee as of Oct 26, 2012 (feel free to Private Message me, I will always return a response) ~Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment~. Buddha http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXr8-D8rJ6c&feature=fvwrel Abandon-HOLD ON!
Welcome back, Nathalie. Looking forward to seeing you at meetings.
Acceptance. When I am disturbed, it is because a person, place, thing, or situation is unacceptable to me. I find no serenity until I accept my life as being exactly the way it is meant to be. Nothing happens in God’s world by mistake. Acknowledge the problem, but live the solution!
Welcome back, it takes a lot of courage to come back and admit it didn't work as you'd planned, so give yourself some credit there, and have a fresh, good start at it!
Twelve miles into the forest, 12 miles out.
Left my poisonous game July 4, 2012. Left online communities June 4, 2013.
I too relapsed and went back into gaming. It's refreshing to know I am welcomed here with open arms. This is where you should be. :-)
Welcome back!! and I remember you from the Saturday Skype meetings (probably the Wednesday skype meetings, too).
I'm so glad you are back. The Wednesday skype meeting is now in the chat room. Saturday skype is going strong. I'm not sure your time-zone but I hope you can get to the Wednesday chat meeting.
I am so glad you are here. We missed you.
Welcome back! come to the meetings, they've been a big help to many of us.
I'm glad you are going back to things that worked for you before. Personally, I have been so dysfunctional that I need all the help I'm getting: therapy, medication, the program, OLGA meetings, etc. You need what you need and what helps you helps you. Best wishes.
I am a recovering computer game and gambling addict. My recovery birthday: On May 6, 2012 I quit games and began working a program of recovery through OLGA No computer games or slot games for me since December 12, 2012. No solitaire games with real cards since June 2013.
You are not alone Nathalie. After several months free from gaming, I had two major relapses. The second one (this month) was so bad that I had to sell my PC, and buy a small desktop that can't hold any graphics card. Today I'm starting over with my recovery.
Good luck Nathalie. Hopefully both of us succeed with our restarts.
Stopped Gaming: June 22nd, 2014.