Correction: today was very hard. Even with months under my belt, there are times when even the "Not today" strategy feels like a Herculean task. I'm just posting to remind myself why I do this, and to keep a firm hold on what's real in my life. Thanks for the support, and I hope today was a game-free day for everyone else, too.
Taking Steps toward recovery since November 2, 2012. The difficulty of the path makes it worth the walking.
Congratulations on getting through a hard day, Allerseelen.
"She generally gave herself very good advice, (though she very seldom followed it)." --Lewis Carroll
Congratulations Allerseelen.
More hard days are likely coming, with the holiday releases of new games and commercials about them everywhere. It is the first time I go through this after quitting video games. The xbox and game I bought last Christmas, name omitted to avoid triggering (it rhymes with wry Jim), made me reach my bottom by mid-February.
I can only hold on to the time I have, and be present, enjoy the family gatherings rather than endure them until I can go and hide in front of a screen somewhere. There are great new movies, awesome food, board games, decorations, tons of things to enjoy this season. Video games would just ruin it for everyone, especially for me.
But it is hard, and I will likely spend more time here than usual.
Perhaps a man who is worthy of the name should put aside this question of how long he will live ..., and turn his attention to this instead, to how he can live the best life possible in the time that is granted to him
Marcus Aurelius
Keep going allerseelen!
I tried quiting many times and could not, maybe you can:)
leveling in steps, serenity, sponcys, sponsors, exercise, and sleep, (sanity has been downsized) sober from all electronic games since 11/19/2010
glad you made it thru your hard day! when it hits me harder, i call my sponsor and revisit step one.
OLGA Home Page: "We advocate and provide a 12-Step Program of recovery. For those who are interested in a formalized meeting approach, we provide both a traditional 12-step program and a modified program for atheists and agnostics." I advocate and use the 12 steps programs, which have helped tens of millions of addicts of all kinds recover.
It's amazing how easy it is to fall back into addiction. We think we have beaten it, then BAM! We are right back in it. I'm glad you didn't fall back into the trap Allerseelen, you are clearly stronger than I am.
Stopped Gaming: June 22nd, 2014.
Oh, I'm no stronger than you are--I've had relapses, too. Sometimes it's all you can do to keep fighting, but with the help of OLGA, I made it through the rough patch. Let's all hope for sunnier pastures aheads.
Taking Steps toward recovery since November 2, 2012. The difficulty of the path makes it worth the walking.
One day at a time Allerseelen.