I had shoulder surgery on October 15, 2014, so I was home for three months playing destiny. This has turned into a crazy addiction that i finally had enough of, so this morning when my addiction is not as strong i asked my wife to unplug and hide my XBox. My Teenage son who loves games but understands I crave to play destiny happily said he would also unplug his console. All day long has been a struggle as i knew i was coming home and Destiny would not be there. I also deactivated my facebook, Destiny app, Twitch app and call blocked my destiny friends. I'm going to miss my buddies, as i can no longer can run sword, ROC strikes and slay with them on PvP.
Ps4 player here. Got the destiny ps4 in December and played over 300 hours since. I deleted my alts last week, but the original char stayed. Guess what? I played a bunch more. My wife finally broke last night. Her honesty cemented what I already knew. I was compulsively playing this game like an addict. I have addictive tendencies generally, and know that destiny was my attempt to make up for lack of satisfaction and accomplishments in life lately. I am sure you can identify given you have been incapacitated by your recovery from surgery. Tonight after work, I will destroy my copy of the game, as well as my 13 year old son's. We will talk about it, and he will be supportive. A family that loves and supports you is the greatest treasure in life. I lost sight of thand got caught in this game. Good luck, hit me up if you need to chat.
Hide it?
If you'd not ready to chuck it out then your kidding everybody.