5 months sober but experinced minor relapse

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Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 11/27/2014 - 10:59am
5 months sober but experinced minor relapse

Well I been 5 months almost clean now. Im finishing up the semester and working. Working out and spending time with friends. I recently brokeup with my GF and I found myself sneaking onto secondlife and this lesser known game , feral heart, as a means to comfort myself. I think the cause of my addiction is this need to feel connection. As soon as I reactivated everythingI felt sick to my stomach metaphorically. Like I asked myself why? And then deactivated everything again. Rushed over here for some support. I hate relapses :( but I noticed none of my online friends really ated and the fee that did all but one missed me the rest didnt want to be botherd woth me so I fogured clearly that was extra fuel. Ugh any feedback would be suffice

Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
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Joined: 04/27/2015 - 11:29pm
I understand the pull to SL,

I understand the pull to SL, especially when you are lonely. I was addicted to SL for 6 months or so, spent so much time on there, wasting all of my days, talking about random stuff of little importance. The friendship and relationships are superficial, and I eventually decided to give it up. I still myself drawn back on there from time to time, especially when I'm feeling depressed or lonely. I plan to completely deactivate my account in the next day or so. What helps me is to remind myself that the game sucks away my time and my energy I can use for useful RL tasks and relationships. Plus, I've found most of the people on SL are not healthy, and tend to only suck the life out of me when I talk to them. Good luck and even with a minor relapse it seems you have made awesome progress. Keep up the good work and just get back on track. :) 

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Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
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Joined: 11/23/2010 - 4:42pm
Relapse Happens

Hi cinema and welcome back.  Because we're addicts, our tendancy is to turn to gaming when things go wrong in our life.  That's what we're used to.  So don't be too hard on yourself that you did what came natural.  It looks like you found your way out very quickly and that's a good thing.  The best thing you can do is just pick yourself up and get back on track and hopefully you will learn something.  I've had my share of relapse and I always learn something from them.  


Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. ~Maria Robinson

Last seen: 7 years 1 month ago
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Joined: 04/29/2010 - 9:43am
Stick with it

Cinematicescape, I don't care to label myself an addict, particularly, but it's pretty clear that I and a lot of other people are, as Silvertabby noted, a little extra-vulnerable to compulsive type behaviors when it comes to some activities and substances. It's not ideal to be like that, but it's not so bad either if you recognize it and take steps to deal with it. Everybody has certain traits, and most of them are not completely beneficial. Like, if you're tall, you are always going to be prone to bumping your head. That just goes with the territory. Some of us are always going to be prone to hiding out from real life in sucky computer games. It's okay. We can deal. We'll stay away from the games and, if we wander back into them, we'll pull ourselves back out. Not that horrible.

So hang in there, forgive yourself for the relapse, and try to stay away from the games. You are smart to recognize that the breakup and accompanying bad feelings probably led you to game recently. That shows you're learning something about yourself, and that's really helpful in this and other areas of life. Nice work!

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