O.K. HALT what you are doing and read this!...........
I find this helpful in understanding what triggers my cravings to game.
If I am one or more of the following, my resolve to give in to temptation and game is strong.
H.A.L.T = Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired.
So if you have a craving to log on to your game, HALT what you are doing, and think are you experiencing one of the above feelings?
If so, what can you do to alleviate this in a productive and positive way?
Hope this helps someone. :-)
Thanks, this helps :)
Never alone, go to meetings <3 Mumble voice meetings on cgaa are great, see you there <3
A nice addition to that acronym is S for H.A.L.T.S.
So whenever I'm
H Hungry
A Angry
L Lonely
T Tired or
S Sick
It's helpful for me to look and see if I can meet these needs, b/c otherwise I'm putting myself at some risk. Maybe unecessarily :)
Last game played: April 24th 2014
Ah yeah Bill, that's a good one , Sick, I hadn't thought of that, but it is true.
Also is being bored. but how can we fit a B into that? lol.