More updates, I will be defending my MS thesis and am still baking a lot. I might have breathing problems though...

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Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
OLGA member
Joined: 08/26/2008 - 7:54pm
More updates, I will be defending my MS thesis and am still baking a lot. I might have breathing problems though...

All future updates will go into this thread, since this forum is rarely updated.

Currently, I am doing machine learning research at the Rochester Institute of Technology.  My thesis topic is "LIDAR Voxel Segmentation Using 3D Convolutional Neural Networks".  The goal is to classify types of 3D forest model elements using truth data.  I even passed the PhD qualifying exam, so I might do a PhD after this!

I became modern Orthodox Jewish last year.  I was Jewish my entire life, but have found the ancient traditions to be interesting.  Electronic devices are not allowed on Saturday, since electronics can't be relaxing.  The admins here will really like this idea!  I also like all of the holidays and Kosher food.

I like baking with freshly-milled whole wheat flour, since working with it is much easier than regular WW flour:

I also don't eat HFCS or processed seed oils, since these chemicals are unhealthy.  Example:

Finally, although I haven't been addicted for a long time, I have always been short on energy.  By chance, I was referred to a sleep specialist and they found my Mallampati score is 4:

I might need jaw surgery to correct this problem, but we will see.




The long-term outcome exceeds the short-term outcome.

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Last seen: 2 weeks 1 day ago
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Joined: 02/17/2014 - 11:33am


Thanks for sharing your story and info

All the best


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Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
OLGA member
Joined: 08/26/2008 - 7:54pm
Thanks Polga!  Here is Future

Thanks Polga!  Here is Future update 1:

I found out when I lie on my sides, I have mild sleep apnea.  On my back, however, the severity score is 60 -- twice the threshold for severe sleep apnea!  I will be getting CPAP treatment soon.  For now, I only sleep on my sides.

I believe that I would likely have not gotten addicted had this problem been treated way earlier.  I am sure that many gamers have undiagnosed sleep apnea.  However, the game makes sleep apnea far worse, creating a vicious cycle.

I even remember one post mentioned "chronic sleep deprivation syndrome." (

The long-term outcome exceeds the short-term outcome.

Polga's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 1 day ago
AdministratorOLG-Anon memberOLGA member
Joined: 02/17/2014 - 11:33am
Very interesting around sleep

Very interesting around sleep apnea. Thanks for sharing!


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Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
OLGA member
Joined: 08/26/2008 - 7:54pm
You're welcome, my CPAP

You're welcome, my CPAP appointment is Tuesday

The long-term outcome exceeds the short-term outcome.

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