I am a foreign student who is researching on the interests of gamers about social issue.
I think that paying attention to social issue can be help to get out from game addiction.
Sorry for broken english...
Thanks for your help,
[color=blue]Admin note: The survey deals with outside issues. OLGA has no position on the questions being asked.[/color]
The happiness of a man in this life does not consist in the absence but in the mastery of his passions.
-Alfred Lord Tennyson
my post may be considered spam.
What the heck are you phishing for ?
I checked the site the link goes to. I dont see any viruses embedded. Maybe you should try to find a gamer site relative to the area of the survey? Korea gaming sites would give you a better control group.
EDIT : Oh, I apologize Mickey, I only went to the site, to check it for security measures. I used to have my own business, CS4C, fixing computers and such. Just in case anyone else went to the site. But yea.. outside links shouldn't be clicked on.
faded, see the admin note, after that, no reply need be made. and i wouldn't go checking links...
Is This What You Do With Eternity? ~Groundhog Day