A corporation whose board is chaired by Dr. David Walsh is in the news today.
From Game politics website:
"The National Institute on Media and the Family was co-opted by the video game industry. Earlier this year NIMF accepted a $50,000 grant from the ESA, a mind-bogglingly bad decision. was co-opted by the video game industry. . .
How does a watchdog organization justify taking money from the people it is supposed to be watching? Not surprisingly, NIMF's 2008 Annual Video Game Report Card was a valentine to the game biz."
[color=blue] EDIT: Bare minimum to get the story across. No link given, none needed. X.[/color]
[color=blue] EDIT: On-Line Gamers Anonymous takes no opinion on the content of this article, or for any other issue of the day. To do otherwise would invite controversy, which is against our traditions. Any comments that may or may not follow are the sole opinion of those individuals, not of the organization.[/color]
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To further discuss issues on this topic, NIMF fires back at Game Politics... at least a mention of game addiction in 09'... http://www.gamepolitics.com/2008/12/04/nimf-fires-back-gp
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