My husband came across this while surfing the news this morning.A Just one more thing to keep in mind when one chooses to escape into a virtual world.[/url]
[color=Blue]Corrected Link
Even though there is some (very little) critique in that article, it seems like one big commercial for SL. I don't understand why the media is so willing to promote this online platform. It seems like (media interpretation) WoW is the "bad" thing for troubled teenagers who get's addicted, while second life is the creative, fabulous business opportunity of the intellectual elite. I think (saw some examples of that too) that SL can be exactly as harmful as any other online game if used compulsively ... and the "business opportunities" are extremely overrated. Personally, I almost find the idea of hanging out on a virtual beach more disgusting than slaying a virtual dragon.
"The medium sucks people in. A recent Dutch study found that 57 percent of Second Lifers spend more than 18 hours a week there, and 33 percent spend more than 30 hours a week." People who are addicted are notorious for underreporting their hours. So add ten to tweny hours to each estimate. Even without the padding, imagine what those people could have done with 30 hours a week invested in something that wasn't made of pixels and information bits. We are getting second life olganons here, in time the second life olgas may outnumber the WoW olgas. The mainstream media now includes some higherups with kids and grandkids who are addicted to WoW, etc. Soon enough the second life addicts will appear among the same group, and hit the media people hard with its inherent danger. Until then, and after, we'll be here, welcoming all of any game or "medium", who want help.
Leveling in Real Life
I agree with the sentiments expressed by both lifeislife and Xandtar. A Although I have been fortunate enough to have an addition problem to "only" regular video games, I believe that SL contains many of the same social elements that contribute to people becoming addicted to MMORPGs like WoW. A The numbers seem to indicate this, with the article claiming that 33 percent spend more than 30 hours per week in it A :o ! A That is quite amazing (even if it is relatively accurate and not under-reported as Xandtar claims) since that is more free time than many people realistically have which implies that quite a few of these people are letting this virtual reality interfere with their real life. As for myself, despite Gartner Research claiming that four out of five people will be involved in some type of virtual community like SL by 2011, I want to be in the minority since I don't have any interest in getting involved in that type of activity. A However, as a contract computer programmer, I may find that I cannot avoid it completely, but I will limit myself to using it only to the extent that my work may require it.
- John O.
[em]Carpe Diem![/em] (Seize the Day!)
I think SL is especially dangerous to people that tend to get addicted to the "social aspect" because that aspect is even more encouraged than in WoW. Furthermore, new groups of people might get sucked in. While adult WoW players often feel some kind of shame to be spending time on a "stupid game", it seems to be widely accepted to spend time in SL (as this article implies too). The sexual aspect of SL might draw people with compulsive consumption of online sex as well ... "in time the second life olgas may outnumber the WoW olgas." I am afraid that you are right in that assumption.
There are many, many people who will have nothing to do with orcs or elves but who want the social stuff. Science fiction is more compelling to this group if its not kid-based like Star Wars, which is why Worlds of Starcraft is going to eclipse World of Warcraft in numbers of players. But Second life takes this idea to a new level, separating the sci-fi/fantasy aspect from the role playing stuff altogether, while adding in possibilities for sexual interaction. And some people still think this is a good thing... (sigh). :|
Leveling in Real Life
Interesting article. I know that my university is using this as a teaching tool. Sigh! I am not averse to using new technologies in teaching but my experience with my own child makes me worry about the effects of Sl on students who have addictive personalities. I had asked our tech person to look into this addictive potential of SL--haven't heard back.
If the numbers quoted in this article are correct, it's just mind-boggling! If the prediction is correct, that means that by the year 2011, over 25% of ALL internet users in the world will be spending more than 30 hours a week in Second Life. OMG!
"Small service is true service while it lasts. Of humblest friends, bright creature! scorn not one
The daisy, by the shadow that it casts,
Protects the lingering dewdrop from the sun." -------William Wordsworth
Mind boggling, yes. I was startled at the quote "we felt like we could go in" (to the game) "and really be ourselves." WARNING WARNING RED FLAG RED FLAG
Plus the fact that they must have gained valuable knowledge from their "warcraft3 to WoW" adventure. Now they release starcraft2 and will know the potential, probably putting 200% perfectly targetgroup based marketing into WoS when it comes out ...
Yes the numbers are staggering. A I think they said 4 out of 5 people who use the internet will use SL or something like it. A Based on that they estimate: 1.6 billionaEU"out of a total 2 billion Internet usersaEU"will have found new lives on-line. [/size]
" ... don't question it just go" "... where the body goes the mind will follow"
Borrowed from "Desire to Stop"
1.6 billionaEU"out of a total 2 billion Internet usersaEU"will have found new lives on-line. [/size] the expense of Real Life....sad, sad, sad. My heart already breaks for the thousands of neglected wives and husbands, the frantic and obsessed parents, the children who won't get raised, the ruined health, lives, and futures...I gotta go think happy thoughts for a while.
Anyone else thinking, "Mark of the Beast"* ? Seems VERY scary to me. * [edit - prolly better is I post JUST the link, for those who want to look it up]
My Gamer Bio
"The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend" -Henri Bergson
*sigh* I managed to get plenty of sexual interaction even in the Star Wars games, but Second Life took that too a whole new level. I am so sickened by the statistics, so sadened by the potential I just need to let this soak in a bit to even respond :|
ya, kinda :-
Thank you for sharing Medea! It puts into words some of the things I have known for quite a while, but wasn't able to properly express about people's behavoirs online.