A Good Guide for Parents: How to help children addicted to video games

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A Good Guide for Parents: How to help children addicted to video games

I recently purchased a very informative e-book called "How to Help Children Addicted to Video Games - A Guide for Parents [by Dr. Brent Conrad, Clinical Psychologist, www.TechAddiction.ca}

It is a practical manual that I do not believe is available at any other source (e.g. Amazon). I founmd it to be very well organized with a balanced content addressing:

PART I: Information and Education: (basic information about what video game addiction is (and is not)

PART II: Assess your Situation: (how to assess whether or not you (and your child) have a serious problem.

PART III: Prepare for Action:(understanding why it is important to fight this addiction)

PART IV: Strategies, Tips, and Thoughts for Moderation: (practical tips on what you can do to prevent and/or alleviate the overuse of electronics. 

SUMMARY: Although you will find all sorts of information on the internet about this issue; including scary statistics about prevelance and "common sense" tips for intervention, I have yet to find a more practical and informative resource for parents who have a serious problem with a child (or children) addicted to video games and are serious about solving it.



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He lost me at Part IV.

He lost me at Part IV. Moderation doesn't work for the vast majority of addicts. There are few if any who can successfully play in moderation.

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The daisy, by the shadow that it casts,

Protects the lingering dewdrop from the sun." -------William Wordsworth

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