Internet Safety Resources for Parents and Teachers

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Internet Safety Resources for Parents and Teachers

An important consideration is to keep computers and smartphones out of the bedrooms and allow their use ONLY in common areas such as the living room or kitchen.  Another suggestion is to have a NIGHT LOCATION for phones and other electronics, where your child places his/her phone or device at a set time each night.  This means that sleep isn't interrupted by gaming or text messages or the compelling temptation to communicate using social media or to late-night surf or play games. 

Don't be afraid to ask questions, ask to see their gaming stats or social media or better yet have them "friend" you.

Internet Safety

With the ever-increasing changes in technology, it sometimes feels like an overwhelming task

to keep up!  Below are some excellent resources and information for how to keep children safe: 

Internet Safety Resources for Parents and Guardians

On-Line Safety for Children and Teens

Cyberbullying Research Center

Cyberbullying Guide for Parents

FBI - A Parent's Guide to Internet Safety

Family Online Safety Institute

Internet Safety Resources for Teachers 

FBI SOS Scavenger Hunts

On-Line Safety for Children and Teens

Cyberbullying Research Center

Safe Supportive Learning: Keeping Kids Safe

Liz Woolley