South Korean children face gaming curfew

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J. DOe
Last seen: 13 years 1 month ago
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Joined: 05/28/2007 - 5:23am
South Korean children face gaming curfew

The article at">] says:

Quote:The first involves barring online gaming access to young people of school age between 12am (midnight) and 8am.

The other policy suggests slowing down people's internet connections after they have been logged on to certain games for a long period of time.

The Culture Ministry is calling on games providers to implement the plans.

IMHO, trying to limit the time that young children can play video games is a good idea, but I believe that this will be difficult to implement. For example, there is the issue of identifying, through online means, whether or not the person is a child. Also, not all of the games providers in South Korea will necessarily comply with these non-mandatory requests. In addition, there are many other games from other countries, like WoW, that these young people can also access that would likely not have any such restrictions. Nonetheless, this action does at least send a political message that the government considers the problem of excessive video game use, at least among youngsters, to be a serious issue and they are doing something about it.

- John O.

[em]Carpe Diem![/em] (Seize the Day!)

Last seen: 14 years 7 months ago
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Joined: 03/26/2010 - 3:28pm
It is a good thing; it

It is a good thing; it brings awareness to the problem.

Thanks for posting this

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Joined: 02/23/2010 - 4:59pm
One place over in asia used

One place over in asia used to do that for Liniage 2. It was limited to 3 hour play periods. after 3 hours the connection speed would get slower and slower and finally disconnect for like 6 hours or something. I don't recall, but it was a pretty big deal at the time. It may have been china. This was before wow came out. I don't think it had to do with play time though and being addicted, it was an attempt at stopping gold farming and botting if I remember correctly.

fly by night
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Joined: 12/02/2009 - 5:13pm
Yes ty for that link J.DOe.

Yes ty for that link J.DOe.

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J. DOe wrote: IMHO, trying
J. DOe wrote:

IMHO, trying to limit the time that young children can play video games is a good idea, but I believe that this will be difficult to implement.

I just would like to point out that in South Korea in order to play online video games you need to register with what is equivalent to a Social Security Number that the US has. This is very different from the West because in Korea playing a video game they know exactly who you are, not just a billing address. This is why in Korea there isn't the level of goldfarming or cheating that you see in the West because in Korea if you get banned from your favorite game, you are banned for life.

Korean and American culture is so different... imagine if this law were proposed in the USA! The corporate world would NEVER let a law like this pass in the good ol' USA where freedom = options of where you can spend your money and what you're going to buy with it. In Korean society things are more controlled, more structured. It is tempting to push American valures on their culture (ie: "More government control in peoples lives is bad!" well ok thats not an American view as more of a liberal view) but tbh if it works for the Korean people, hey, I'm not gunna complain.

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