Oct. 24

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anonymous (not verified)
Oct. 24

The Wise Man

There was this blind old wise man that lived in a tiny village. It seemed that he could answer any question that was posed at him. One day this boy with a bird in his hand figured he could out smart the wise old man. He said, "Old man in my hand is a bird. Is it alive or dead?". The old man was quiet. The boy asked again, "Old man in my hand is a bird. Is it alive or dead?" Still the old man said nothing. The boy for the third time asked again, "Old man in my hand is a bird. Is it alive or dead?" Then the old man gave his answer. If I say it is alive you will crush it and it will be dead. If I say it is dead, then you will open your hands and let it fly away. The fate of the bird is in your hands. Much like our life, it is in our hands.