I recently found this website and think that it is a great resource and that the problem of video game addiction really needs to get out there more. Why not try to expand OLGA's online presence? I feel like it has little awareness online.
I recently found this website and think that it is a great resource and that the problem of video game addiction really needs to get out there more. Why not try to expand OLGA's online presence? I feel like it has little awareness online.
I have to agree with you. I tried to quit for years before I found this site, and it had been around the entire time. I wish I had found it sooner.
"A man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears." ~Michel de Montaigne
I would be very interested in specific suggestions.
We do have a very high google ranking. If you type gaming addiction in google search we are in the top 5 results.
Olga/non member since Dec. 2008 Check out my latest video on Gaming Addiction and public awareness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-6JZLnQ29o
Under Google results for me, it shows up 2nd now, right below Wikipedia. But it never used to, and I wonder if that is because Google knows I come here? (It does mention that I have visited this site, right in the search results). I went to use Bing search to see if there was a difference, and olganon didn't show up until the 6th page of results. I have no answers, and don't know if anything has changed in the year since I joined. I was just stating that I did look for help for quite a while before finding this site, trying Employee Family Assistance programs and such.
"A man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears." ~Michel de Montaigne
Goolge knows that your IP address has been here before, even if you are not logged into your google account. If you just look for gaming adiction it doesn;t come up in the first 10, however if you look for a gaming 12 step program you will find it.
We don't push ourselves out as much in the mass media as we don't need the trolls the publisity brings. If anyone needs us, they know where to find us.
leveling in steps, serenity, sponcys, sponsors, exercise, and sleep, (sanity has been downsized) sober from all electronic games since 11/19/2010
It is unfortunate that it took Marceline so long to find us.s There are people who get here by searching for information on gaming addiction.
We follow the 12 Traditions as a fellowship:
11. Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio and films.
It should probably explicitly include the internet here--at the time the original Traditions came into being, press, radio and films (notice TV is not there) were the most advanced forms of communication that existed.
We don't promote ourselves for the same reason we don't promote anything--we don't want to be drawn into any controversy. We don't say gaming is bad, we don't promote laws to control it, we don't promote anything, we don't promote ourselves. People come and want help and we (the people who wanted help last month) provide it to them (the ones who need it and want it now). We do it for free, because it's good for us to, it's part of our life's mission.
So I'm all for doing things that make it easier for people to find us, as long as we're not promoting ourselves.
I am a recovering computer game and gambling addict. My recovery birthday: On May 6, 2012 I quit games and began working a program of recovery through OLGA No computer games or slot games for me since December 12, 2012. No solitaire games with real cards since June 2013.
Good feedback guys. I will investigate how we can boost our search ratings. This is a particular interest of mine.
It took me nearly a year of looking (4 years ago). I suspected there was a programme for gaming addicts, but I was looking for programmes for the specific game I was addicted to.
I wonder how many other people do the same.
Eventually I found an article on my game, which at the very bottom referenced Olganon.
Not sure how to address this. We need a good outreach effort. One of the issues is that only Liz, Andy (sometimes) and I are really active in this.
So much to do....
Olga/non member since Dec. 2008 Check out my latest video on Gaming Addiction and public awareness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-6JZLnQ29o