Opening a ventrillo site?

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anonymous (not verified)
Opening a ventrillo site?

Have you ever thought of opening a ventrillo site? This could be an easier way for people to communicate and have meetings. This can be helpful in explaining what the 12 steps are. You could grow stronger away from your addiction with people even if they are miles apart. Maybe i am way off. Could just bring a whole lot of addicted gamers together just to play. Just thought i would bring it up?


lizwool's picture
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Re: Opening a ventrillo site?

This is a good suggestion, Dnomyar.
Is Ventrillo similiear to Gamespeak?

Do you know how to do it? Help me out here.


Liz Woolley

anonymous (not verified)
Re: Opening a ventrillo site?

I think gamespeak is similar, another one is teamspeak. Pretty much you just pay a yearly or monthly fee. The price range changes depending on how many people you can hold in the server. I don't know much about starting one up but i am sure there is someone who does. I will ask one of my friends about it and the pricing. I just think it would be nice to set up times for people who need someone to talk to instead of reading a forum. I know you have a telephone number but i think this can be more helpful since you can have more then one person giving there support.

My guild from WoW use this program. I will ask them how they got one started.

I am not sure how active this site is, since people probly come and go. There seems to be an instant reply though. A program like this could be helpful depending on the number of people that look at this site.

lizwool's picture
Last seen: 3 days 3 hours ago
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Joined: 06/27/2002 - 1:13am
Re: Opening a ventrillo site?

Do you need a mic on your computer to use Ventrillo?

Liz Woolley

anonymous (not verified)
Re: Opening a ventrillo site?

You can use a chat room and a mic at the same time if you wanted too

anonymous (not verified)
Re: Opening a ventrillo site?

Great idea Dnomyar
From the ventrilo server licence agreement:
Quote:2. GRANT OF LICENSE. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, you may install a single copy of the Software on one Server owned or leased by you and allow up to eight Client Computers to access and use the Software for non-commercial purposes, provided no fee is charged either directly or indirectly for access and use of the Software.
Liz, do you have a server (or simply a computer running continiously with broadband?). If so, we are allowed to use the public version for up to 8 participants for free.

And yes, one needs a micro, thats the whole point of voice communication

If we have no server or 8 slots will prove to be too few in the long run, it would make sense to rent some voice server slots at a site like

the price for a "slot" is 50 cent per slot per month.

I am all for it, have been recently testing skype to speak to friends in the US and Georgia and I like it a lot.



just talked to my brother, teamspeak seems to have better licencing and more options for the moderator and server administrator, ventrilo uses less bandwith and because of that generates less lag, which is not too relevant to us.

I have opened a ventrilo server on my PC to test it, if anyone wants to log in, my IP right now is , use the default port.

(you can get the client software here: )

It might be quite laggy as my connection is congested but it should work for testing purposes

What you think, you create. What you say, you produce. What you do, you call forth more of.

Edited by: calm force at: 4/7/06 2:07

anonymous (not verified)
Re: Opening a ventrillo site?

When i get home this weekend from being at my moms (Trying to sobre up from videogames). I will sign on. Also need to unistall all my videogames from my computer this weekend. Blah whatever need to just do it. But i glad you like the ventrillow idea

anonymous (not verified)
Re: Opening a ventrillo site?

sorry, test server will be down for the weekend, though feel free to experiment on your own Liz, this could solve our issues with OLGAnon chat at the same time as both teamspeak and ventrilo incorporate voice as well as non voice chat

What you think, you create. What you say, you produce. What you do, you call forth more of.

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