Tiny text

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Last seen: 2 weeks 6 days ago
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Joined: 06/13/2007 - 2:21pm
Tiny text


The message board comments are a pain to read as the default font size is so small.[/size]

squeakie's picture
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Re: Tiny text

[size=18]On your web browser, if you go to Tools - Options - Content, there is a section that says "Fonts & Colors" where you can change the size to something you can see easier. Debbie[/size]

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John of the Roses
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Re: Tiny text

I agree, that without using any generated assistance, my eyes hurt after a couple hours reading posts here, I solved the situation by using my computer glasses, but I don;t like resolving myself to the fact I need assistance, even at my age.

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Last seen: 2 weeks 6 days ago
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Joined: 06/13/2007 - 2:21pm
Re: Tiny text

Thank you for helping me find it. For those with the same web browser as me it's View, Text Size, Increase Yeah I would benefit from glasses too ;)

Gamersmom's picture
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Re: Tiny text

Leave it to Apple to simplify things further. In Safari it is just View, Make Text Bigger.

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socceruci's picture
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Also, for windows you

Also, for windows you can... Hold Ctrl + mouse scroll Down for larger Up makes the text smaller If you... Hold Shift + Scroll you can go back and forth between old pages. Matt

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