When was OLGA/OLG-Anon started?
The organization was founded in May of 2002. Our website contains a rich history of information and forums about gaming addiction, from 2002 to the present.
To learn more about our organization, please visit this Who We Are page.
How Do I Create An Account?
To find out why and how to create an account, click on this link: Registration and Participation Rules
- Now That I Have An Account, What Do I Do?
Once a person has an account, many do not know "what to do next". Go to your member section - Recovering Gamers (aka OLGA) or Family/Friend of Excessive Gamer (aka OLG-Anon) or Outreach. Read the Welcome page. There are many suggetions of what you can do next. To get back to your section, you can always select Homes and click your member section.
What groups are supported here?
The olganon.org website supports:
- The OLGA fellowship (recovering excessive/addicted gamers)
- The OLG-Anon fellowship (friends and family of excessive gamers)
- Outreach (the public service division)
How to Start an OLGA or OLG-Anon Chapter and Face-to-Face Meetings in your area:
There is one chapter per area/location. There can be many meetings under that Chapter. A Chapter is started first. Give your Chapter a name. Then you decide when you want meetings. All meetings are tied to the Chapter.
Go to "Starting A Chapter in Your Area". If you do NOT see this page, you do not yet have "membership" privileges on our website. Please create an account and login to get "member" status".
Read through the "Starting A Chapter" information and do what it says, so you have the support you need. You may want to print that information as a future reference.
Attend several on-line meetings, so you can experience meetings first-hand. Speak with the moderator of the meeting about your desires to start a chapter and ask for more guidance.
Contact the hot-line (612-245-1115) as you need to, for more support.
We will post your chapter/meeting information on our website once you have a time and location.
How is the OLGA/OLG-Anon Community Financially Supported? Who Pays the Bills?
Those who come here, are encouraged to make donations, so we can continue to offer support to those in need. The Outreach division will assist in raising funds to assist with providing education and information about excessive gaming, to those searching for it.
- How Do I Donate?
To make a donation to this community, please click this link: Donate Here Without your support, we will not be here. Please donate on a regular basis (once a week or month or whenever you can) so the community will continue to function!! Thank you for supporting yourself by supporting the OLGA/OLG-ANON Community.
We are a registered 501c3 organization in the U.S., so all U.S. donations are tax deductible.
What Support Tools Do We Offer Here?
We offer many tools for those affected by gaming addiction.
- A safe place to go so you are not alone with this struggle. Everyone here has somehow been affected by gaming addiction.
- The best place to begin is to look at our Site Map.
- The 12 Steps and Principles forum for gamers in recovery.
- The 12 Traditions of OLGA are used as a guide-lines for the fellowships.
- Forums where you can ask questions, and help yourself by sharing with others, what has worked for you.
- Blogs: Once you have created an account and have logged in, you will be able to blog about your healing journey.
- Chatroom : Our goal is to always have someone in the chat room. Please pick a certain time each day or week and be there to converse with others from our community. Talk to others. Find others in your area, so you can meet up in real life.
- On-line meetings - see schedule under the On-line Meetings tab - On-line Meetings Calendar
- A history. We have posts and information about recovery and gaming addiction since 2002.
- To find a professional in your area who treats gaming addicts go to the Professional Listing. To do a search, select your country, then the state/province for the most accurate results. Click the name of the professional for more details about them. Professionals who treat gamers are welcome to contact us, so we can add your information to this Professionals Database.
- Articles from around the world about the dark side of gaming - Gaming Addiction in the News
- Our own YouTube channel, which contains videos about gaming addiction: OLGA OLG-Anon You Tube Channel
What If I Have Trouble Posting A Message?
If you are having trouble posting a message, you may not be logged in. Please post website issues here: Website Help
Don't forget to hit the SAVE button! I always make a copy of the message (ctrl c) before I hit the save button, in case something (bad) happens, so I do not loose my work.
What If There Are No On-Line Meetings When I Am Available?
You are welcome to pop into the chatroom at anytime (you can read posts in another window), and people passing through the site will see you there, and come in to talk with you.
- How To Start an On-Line Meeting:
Contact a moderator or administrator and ask for guidance on starting an on-line meeting. Once you are comfortable with the process and are ready to start the meetings, we will post your meeting day and time on our Meeting Calendar.
How Long Do I Have to Be A Member Here? When Am I Done?
OLGA is "a fellowship of people," not a school course or private club. There is no graduation, and no need to join or leave. Come to meetings when you want, make connections with the people you like, and decide for yourself how much contact you want with our fellowship. Many of us highly value the quick friendships we make here, the understanding and support, the highly relevant feedback we get from others recovering in OLGA, so we maintain these relationships over time. Spend time with us when you please. We aim to always be available to you and you are always welcome no matter what.
Addiction research shows that "remembering how bad it was" is a key factor in avoiding relapse. Maintaining ties with a recovery community is one of the easiest ways that most addicts use to do that. Many of us have found that when we left a recovery community behind, we relapsed, or took up another addiction.
If everyone who reaches a point of feeling "well" just goes, who will be here to share experience, strength and hope with those who are struggling to make a start, struggling to rebuild their lives? We need elders and sponsors here, people in recovery who can show the way. We keep it by giving it away. We overcome the selfishness at the base of addiction by continuing to give to others. And we learn and grow and enrich our lives with meaningful relationships, the joy of service, and a sense of fulfillment and purpose.
Is OLGA/OLG-Anon a 12-Step Group?
The cornerstone that On-Line Gamers Anonymous was founded on is inclusivity. Liz W. (lizwool) was a 12-stepper. Ron J. (Diggo McDiggity) was not.
This is our mission: On-Line Gamers Anonymous is a fellowship of people sharing their experience, strengths and hope to support each other in recovering from problems resulting from excessive game playing.
Anyone affected by excessive gaming is welcome here. The OLGA/OLG-Anon fellowship offers a spiritual solution for recovery. The 12-steps are offered as one of the tools for recovery from gaming addiction, and are highly recommended, for a successful recovery. As in other 12-step programs, members of the OLGA/OLG-Anon fellowships have a free choice of tools to use in their recovery.