Helpful Information for Family and Friends (OLG-Anon)

We have many tools to support you.  In a nutshell, here are links to some of the most helpful Information on our website, for Family, Friends and Loved Ones. (Any time you see words with blue letters, that is a link. Click on it to go to the item described.)

We know how powerful, cunning, baffling and destructive excessive game playing can be, to some. It can be devastating to the real lives of gamers and to those close to them. Once a person has crossed the line from being a social gamer, to a gaming addict, the games have become their drug-of-choice. They cannot go back and "casually" game.

If your gaming addict is violent or in crisis or threatening suicide, go here:  For Immediate Support

Please read this page: Welcome page for Family, Friends and Loved Ones

Is excessive gaming affecting your "addicts" real life in a negative way? Click this link for a screening.
A Screening for Excessive Gamers

Withdrawal Symptoms


Read the OLG-Anon Forums.  There is a lot of information here, written by others have been affected by someone who is a gaming addict. 

We have public forums, that are open to all.  There are 3 different categories: (At the top of forums there are several "STICKY" posts. Please read those that interest you, first because they are most important.)

OLG-Anon Public Forums

   Forums for Family and Friends

   Forums for Parents of Gaming Addicts

   Forums for Spouses/Significant Others

Community Forums (For everyone...)

2.  You may want to post your story, ask for support or share successes.  Many people begin posting by introducing themselves and explaining why they are here.  It feels good to be able to share with others, who know what you are going through, because they are experiencing the same thing!  We suggest posting in the section closest to why you are here.  People will respond. 

To share your story privately, to share your struggles and to vent, please post in the forums for  OLG-Anon Members-Only Forums (You must be registered and logged in, to access these forums.)

These forums can only be accessed by OLG-Anon members.  The general public and other groups do not see or post in the OLG-Anon Members Only Forums.  Moderators and Administrators do have access to the OLG-Anon Members Only Forums.

If you do post in the open forums, anyone can see your posts.  Any members can respond to them.  This can be helpful.  Please be supportive, sensitive and courteous when you respond to posts!  Especially keep that in mind if you are replying to a thread in the recovering gaming addicts (OLGA) open forums. Although this cross-fertilization can be useful, you should generally try to keep those replies to a minimum.

3. READINGS - Below are several posts that may be helpful to you. I hightly recommend reading the ones that apply to you and your situation.

How a Parent Can Cope With Their (Under Age 18) Child's Video Game Addiction
 For Parents Of Adult Children (18+) With Video Game Problems
 Letter to Spouses or Significiant Others Of Video Gamer Addicts 

101 Things to do Instead of Playing Video Games (Under age 18)

101 Things to do Instead of Playing Video Games (For Adults)

12-Steps for Family and Friends of Video Gamers (OLG-Anons)

Books About Video Gaming Addiction

Outreach Community (To inform and reach out to others)

Devotional books for Christians in Recovery - Strongly recommended for anyone! We are all alive and are all in recovery. It is called LIFE! We need all of the help we can to get through it! Letting God - Revised edition. By A. Philip Parham Click here to order: Letting God

4. VIDEOS about gaming addiction available to you. I strongly recommend watching the first 3 videos.

Beginning Of OLG-Anon

20/20 Digital Addiction

48 Hours Virtual Addiction

Videos About Video Gaming Addiction

OLG-Anon's YouTube Channel

5.  Game-free homes:  Many families are now making their homes game-free.  This takes away the drama caused by gaming and families can now concentrate on supporting each other and enhancing their relationships and their real lives.  More true human interaction takes place, so people can bond and be more caring and sensitive toward each other.

6.  List of Professionals by Location.  There are times when the OLG-Anon community cannot adequately address the consequence of video gaming disorder/addiction and professional help is needed. If you need more support than we offer here, please seek help from a professional. We encourage you to seek one who supports treatment for gaming in the same manner as alcohol or substance abuse If you are looking for Professional help by someone who recognizes gaming addiction, in your area you can search for a Professional, by location.

7.  Find members in your area, who you can meet up with for more support.  Go to our Members Look-Up By Location.  Select the Country, State/Province you are from and hit the Apply button.  Contact other members by clicking on their username in the list and sending them a private message (near the bottom of the page).  Meet up and share ideas about what is working. 

8.  Get to know people here.  Welcome new members, as they join.  
We offer Instant Messaging.  Look for the small Chat box in the lower right hand corner of the screen.  You can instantly chat with anyone who has a Green Light.  If there is a time that you do not wish to chat with anyone, please click the Go Idle option.  You will get a Yellow light. If people still try to chat with you, ignore them.  To go back Online (with a green light), click Go Online. 
. We have a nice chatroom, where you can go and chat with others.
. You can send private messages to other members on the website.  
. You can private message (pm) during chat meetings as well.

9. Encourage your gamer to register here and join our Recovering Gamer (OLGA) community for support to leave the games.  The gamer can have his/her own login and post in the Recovering Gamer (OLGA) Members Only section.

10. There are several more tools that can be found under the Helpful Information and the My Links sections, found to the right of the screen.

This organization is financially supported by you, the members. If you have found hope here,  please make donations, so we can continue our mission. To make a donation, please Donate Here.    We are a registered 501c3 organization in the U.S., so all U.S. donations are tax deductible.  Thank you for supporting our Community!