Welcome! On-Line Gamers Anonymous®, founded in 2002, is a 12-step self-help group. We share our experience, strengths and hope to help and support each other recover and heal from problems resulting from excessive video game playing (gaming disorder).
Welcome to our website! Any time you see words with blue letters, that is a link. Click on it to go to the item described. Go here, for more website features!
You are not alone! Our community includes Recovering gamers (OLGA® members), Family members, loved ones, friends, concerned others (OLG-Anon members), and those who inform and reach out to others (Outreach). We know how powerful, cunning, baffling and destructive excessive video game playing can be, to some. It can be devastating to the real-world lives of gamers and to those close to them. OLGA®, OLG-Anon and Outreach provides resources for open discussion, support, information and professional referrals. We advocate and provide a 12-Step Program of recovery.
We strengthen ourselves by helping one another. Participating in OLGA®/OLG-Anon is a healing journey for all of us. We respect the need for privacy and ask all who choose to participate agree to this: Who you see here, what you hear here, when you leave here, let it stay here. Thank you for your courtesy.
We Offer Support. There are times when our community cannot adequately address the consequence of excessive gaming and professional help is needed. If you need more support than we offer here, please seek help from a professional. We encourage you to seek one who supports treatment for gaming in the same manner as alcohol or substance abuse. List of Professionals.
To get full access, please create an account and login. You will then be automatically be directed to the section which most closely matches your relationship to games, so we may provide information specific to your needs. When you create an account, please use a valid email address, so you can be notified when members send you messages.
To learn how our community functions, read Who We Are and Frequently Asked Questions.
Donations: There are no dues or fees for membership here. We do suggest a free-will offering, so we can continue our mission for you and our current and future members. To donate to OLGA®, OLG-Anon, Outreach, please click here: Donate Online. Without your donations, we would not be here!