Anyone else had a porn addiction too? Struggling

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Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
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Joined: 01/05/2015 - 7:59pm
Anyone else had a porn addiction too? Struggling

Hi everyone,

Truth be told I recently quit another addiction 3 months ago - porn addiction (I was a female addict). My success spurred me on to tackle this area of my life (my gaming addiction) and after a few days free from gaming I am now struggling, having intrusive thoughts and dreams about my previous addiction what had, before I quit gaming, died down a lot. Has anyone else quit these two addictions? Or any two in a relatively short period? Is it normal to have thoughts about the old addiction flaring up and coming back into the picture again? I felt ready to tackle my gaming when I decided to quit - I had made THAT much peace with my porn addiction.... But to be honest I wasn't expecting to crave p more than gaming when I quit gaming.

i know how strong I am, and I will not give in to the urge for either. I know how much God wants me to succeed and I want it more than I want those addictions. I'm shaking I bed right now, with broken sleep, after a dream about my old addiction. It feels like relapse, even thought I know I can't control my dreams. It's been a difficult night and I just hope I can get to sleep again.

Tommi's picture
Last seen: 7 years 9 months ago
OLG-Anon memberOLGA member
Joined: 09/13/2012 - 7:39am
Yes, sadly in my case SL

Yes, sadly in my case SL addiction was tightly coupled with porn addiction.

There is no substitute for time, which heals eventually.

It was really surprising and shocking to me that physical withdrawal was a factor is quitting both addictions. I can only guess that prolonged use of gaming and porn rewires our neural pathways so that stopping has a strong physical impact which includes dreams, sleeplessness and discomfort.

Hang in there. Trust in God and you will get through it.

Olga/non member since Dec. 2008 Check out my latest video on Gaming Addiction and public awareness

Reddog's picture
Last seen: 7 years 1 month ago
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Joined: 07/13/2014 - 2:20pm
  I think it is real easy

I think it is real easy to slip in to another addiction when we are trying to give one up. I've been addicted to gaming a few different times when I was younger in my 20s it was console gaming I do not think I quite gaming then as much as I transferred my addiction from gaming to internet including porn. When I quite gaming 6 months ago I started to really look at my internet/smart phone usage too and have tried to reduce it. I am on the computer 8-9 hours a day at work then I would go home game another 4-5 so that is pretty much my entire waking hours "plugged in". So now I do not use a computer at all at home and limit browsing the web to an hour max on my phone in the evenings. Its not the answer for everyone but I feel like internet/porn, social media and gaming all were intertwined for me. It is obviously pretty much impossible to quit the internet this day and age but being conscious of usage has helped me focus on other activities.

"Yesterday is History, Tomorrow a Mystery, Today is a Gift, Thats why it's called the Present"

Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
OLGA member
Joined: 01/05/2015 - 7:59pm
Sorry to hear that Tommi. I

Sorry to hear that Tommi. I absolutely agree, time is a great healer! Also the physical effects of withdrawal hit me hard, so I definitely feel like my brain had been accustomed to living the game addicted and porn addicted lifestyle. Thank you :) I feel like I wouldn't be where I am now without God giving me this strength!

Reddog - I resent the computer a lot due to its tendency to draw me in just like that, but I guess there are pluses to it as well. I think I have an issue with moderating, and on the internet there are no limits, therefore I have to set myself those limits, and I find that hard. "I feel like internet/porn, social media and gaming all were intertwined for me" me too! I had to leave every form of social media because, oddly, it made me depressed.

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Last seen: 7 years 1 month ago
OLGA member
Joined: 07/13/2014 - 2:20pm
The internet is so much

The internet is so much harder to draw a clear black and white line for me because it is part of all of our lives. I HAVE to moderate it I cant quit it like gaming. I have to use it to an extent. I have been by no means perfect though. I have been able to stay off the computer at home but my smart phone is still an issue sometimes. I find my self mindlessly browsing sights or social media when I could be doing something constructive or at least more rewarding. The big thing for me is just being mindfull of my use.

"Yesterday is History, Tomorrow a Mystery, Today is a Gift, Thats why it's called the Present"

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