PHIT America is dedicated to increasing participation and overturning the
inactivity pandemic through increasing education and awareness, passing
pro-physical activity legislation, and implementing our grassroots programs.
I am writing to you today, because your organization is like minded in being
against digital insanity. We would like you to sign our Pledge to Fight
‘Digit Insanity’, while also encouraging healthy and active lifestyles.
Our pledge includes three simple ways of preventing ‘digital insanity’
which can be found at our website at, which also contains more information about digital insanity and the importance of getting children active.
In addition to signing our pledge, it would be helpful if you could join us
in spreading the word to end digital insanity, by urging others to sign the
pledge as well.
If you could please let me know who I can get in touch with in order for PHIT
America to get the digital insanity word across, that would be very helpful.
Liz Woolley