Here is a summary of important tools found on our website, available for video gamers who want to come back to their real life.
Welcome Letter for Recovering Video Gamers
A Screening Tool (self-tests) for Excessive Video Gamers
Crossroads post. A MUST READ!
NEW GAME: Real Life (The Full Review)
What to do to Recover From This Video Game Addiction?
What to do When I Crave to Play the Games...
Coming back from a relapse? Here's what has happened to us: Relapse - Re-entering the Gaming World
I Need Help for Video Gamers Forum
12-Steps and Principles for OLGA
Working Guide for the 12-steps and principles of OLGA
Members Lookup by Location (Search for others in your area, who are members of our website, to contact them for support, meet-ups or face-to-face meetings.)
How to Start a Meeting (Chapter) in Your Area
Recovering Gamers (OLGA) Forums (Open to all)
When you go to the forums, start by reading the Stickied Posts (ones at the top) that interest you.
Recovering Gamers (OLGA) Members-Only Forums (You must be registered and logged in, to access these forums.)
Community Forums (For everyone)
101 Things to Do Beside Playing Video Games (for Adults)
101 Things To Do Beside Playing Video Games (under 18)
Who Are You? Do you know? How to Tap your Gifts and Inner Strengths
This organization is financially supported by you, the members. If you have found hope here, please make donations, so we can continue our mission. To make a donation, please Donate Here. We are a registered 501c3 organization in the U.S., so all U.S. donations are tax deductible. Thank you for supporting our Community!